
Is Vending Good For Your Company?



  • Does your company feel pricing pressures and an increased demand to reduce costs?
  • Are you unsure of the total amount of inventory on hand?
  • Do employees waste time searching for tooling and indirect items?
  • Do employees keep surplus stock hidden for their use?
  • Do you have stock in multiple areas?
  • Do you make frequent cycle counts to ensure adequate stock?
  • Does your company wish to limit shrinkage and overuse?
  • Does your company need auto replenishment of orders?
  • Does your company require tracking tools and material by job numbers or cost centers?

Benefits of using vending from JJ Industries

  • Better tool and supply usage 
  • Controlled demand at the Point-of-Use 
  • Cost accounting data at the Point-of-Use 
  • Reduced inventory and carrying costs 
  • Automation & control tool management 
  • Eliminate wasted movement, material and time 
  • On-demand reporting: Push or Pull 
  • Automated order management 
  • 24x7 Controlled access to supplies 

What solutions is right for you?

There are 2 options that we offer. Option 1 is our high-tech soltion as it not only offers a wide range of options but has the ability to be fully secured. Our other option (Option 2) is the most cost effective solution and gives you the control that most businesses need. The one difference is that the machine is not a fully locked down machine as it allows anyone to open and take out what they need.

Option 1 Option 2
Stock Type Consignment Customer Owned Customer Owned
Est. Annual Spend $90 K $60 K $10 K
Option 1 – Full Vending
  • Fully automated solution
  • Fully secured solution
  • Real time reporting
  • 24/7 access to items
  • Automated reordering
  • Passcode usage
  • Job Number usage
Option 2 – Lista Cabinet
  • Semi-automated solution
  • Instant reporting
  • 24/7 visual access to items
  • Automated weekly reordering
  • Centralized visual inventory
  • Username Usage
  • Job Number attachment
  • Best solution for large and bulky items
  • Best solution for low cost/ turnover items
  • Easy Product Loading
  • Access to digital dashboard




JJ Industries Point-of-Use solutions connect to you, which in turn integrates with ERP, maintenance management, and supplier order management systems to provide a single system for visibility and control of all your MRO materials. This powerful combination reduces consumption and improves employee productivity, while reducing labor and capturing activity-based accounting data.


Our team works with each company to create a VMI program tailored to your specific needs using shared technology for the most effective solution.


Shared and cloud based technology allowing full control of your items.